Nub theory proven wrong

    how accurate is nub theory
    how accurate is nub theory at 11 weeks
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    What Is Nub Theory, and Can It Predict Your Baby’s Sex?

    If you’re in the early weeks of pregnancy, it can seem like forever until your mid-pregnancy ultrasound, when you’ll finally have a chance to learn the baby's biological sex.

    That’s why plenty of expecting parents get caught up in different gender prediction methods, which might include nub theory.

    How accurate is nub theory at 13 weeks

  • How accurate is nub theory at 13 weeks
  • Nub theory boy examples
  • Nub theory examples
  • Nub theory predictor free
  • How accurate is nub theory at 12 weeks
  • Nub theory involves analyzing the angle of your fetus's developing genitalia to determine their sex. Proponents claim that it can work as early as 12 weeks. But while nub theory is intriguing for parents-to-be, and there's some merit behind the method, experts say it's not a reliable way to predict biological sex.

    Keep reading to learn more about nub theory, including how it works, when you can use it, and whether you should trust the results.

    Editor's Note

    While this article uses the terms "gender" and "boy" vs.

    "girl," it's important to note that gender is a personal identity that exists on a spectrum, can change over the course of a person's lifetime, and— most importantly—is something that a p

      how accurate is nub theory at 10 weeks
      how accurate is nub theory mumsnet