How old was queen elizabeth when she became queen
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Queen elizabeth age
Queen elizabeth age 25...
Wondering if the Royal Family actually has any power? Let's take a deep dive...
The internet spends a lot of time talking about the British royal family – be it their endless rumoured in-fighting (hello: new book Endgame), estimated wealth, or seemingly endless supply of crowns.
Which makes sense!
Queen elizabeth ii achievements timelineEspecially as the family has been made all the more fascinating thanks to The Crown, and departure of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry.
And now, as the final series of Netflix's royal-focussed drama comes to a close, many are wondering about the future of the monarchy and whether or not King Charles and his family actually...
have any real power in this modern world?
It's debatable, so let's dive in
So, does the Royal Family have any real power?
Britain has a "constitutional monarchy," where King Charles is Head of State, and the government is known as "His Majesty's Government." As such, Charles (and Queen Elizabeth II before him) spends a lot of his time signing documents and meeting with the Prime Minister.
But his position as a politically neutral hea
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