This is where i leave you book
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"Often sidesplitting, mostly heartbreaking [Tropper is] a more sincere, insightful version of Nick Hornby, that other master of male psyche." --USA Today The death of Judd Foxman's father marks the first time that the entire Foxman clan has....
This Is Where I Leave You tells the story of four grown siblings who are forced to return to their childhood home after their father's death and live under the.This is Where I Leave You
Voice Over: Judd Foxman had the perfect job...
(on-air antics at the radio station; his boss makes a sexist joke)
VO: the perfect girl...
(hot young starlet (Jessica Biel?) smiles at camera)
VO: The perfect life...
Until one day, it left him behind.
(smiling, Judd carries an ornate birthday cake into a bedroom. "Surprise, honey! Happy birthday!" Flash cut: Biel in bed, looking over a man's shoulder. "Judd!" The man turns, and it's Judd's boss.
A riotously funny, emotionally raw New York Times bestselling novel about love, marriage, divorce, family, and the ties that bind—whether we like it or not.
"Foxman! How's it hanging?" Back to Judd, who flings the still burning cake at the couple.)
(phone rings)
Off-Camera Dialogue: Judd, it's about dad.
(Sad music. Montage of Judd driving, looking sad. Arriving at a house, entering and hugging his siblings, interrupted by a comedy gag with baby vomit.
This is, hands down, a major contender for my favourite book of 2012 (read it last month, don't know what took me forever to write this review).
Judd's brother: "Welcome home.")
(Dialogue over a montage, fill this in later...)
"I can't believe dad wants us to sit shiva! He wasn't even religous! Mom is a sex columnist for heaven's sake!"
(Goldie Hawn gets her glamor shot: "Hey, just because I'm your mother, doesn't mean I don't get a li
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