This is where i leave you book

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  • This is where i leave you book
  • "Often sidesplitting, mostly heartbreaking [Tropper is] a more sincere, insightful version of Nick Hornby, that other master of male psyche." --USA Today The death of Judd Foxman's father marks the first time that the entire Foxman clan has....

    This Is Where I Leave You tells the story of four grown siblings who are forced to return to their childhood home after their father's death and live under the.

    This is Where I Leave You

    June 30, 2011

    Voice Over: Judd Foxman had the perfect job...

    (on-air antics at the radio station; his boss makes a sexist joke)

    VO: the perfect girl...

    (hot young starlet (Jessica Biel?) smiles at camera)

    VO: The perfect life...

    Until one day, it left him behind.

    (smiling, Judd carries an ornate birthday cake into a bedroom. "Surprise, honey! Happy birthday!" Flash cut: Biel in bed, looking over a man's shoulder. "Judd!" The man turns, and it's Judd's boss.

    A riotously funny, emotionally raw New York Times bestselling novel about love, marriage, divorce, family, and the ties that bind—whether we like it or not.

  • The protagonist and first-person narrator is Judd Foxman, who has recently separated from his wife after she slept with his boss.
  • "Often sidesplitting, mostly heartbreaking [Tropper is] a more sincere, insightful version of Nick Hornby, that other master of male psyche." --USA Today The death of Judd Foxman's father marks the first time that the entire Foxman clan has.
  • This is, hands down, a major contender for my favourite book of 2012 (read it last month, don't know what took me forever to write this review).
  • Funny, moving, powerful and poignant, THIS IS WHERE I LEAVE YOU is the fabulous follow-up to HOW TO TALK TO A WIDOWER and Jonathan Tropper at his best.
  • "Foxman! How's it hanging?" Back to Judd, who flings the still burning cake at the couple.)

    (phone rings)

    Off-Camera Dialogue: Judd, it's about dad.

    (Sad music. Montage of Judd driving, looking sad. Arriving at a house, entering and hugging his siblings, interrupted by a comedy gag with baby vomit.

    This is, hands down, a major contender for my favourite book of 2012 (read it last month, don't know what took me forever to write this review).

    Judd's brother: "Welcome home.")

    (Dialogue over a montage, fill this in later...)

    "I can't believe dad wants us to sit shiva! He wasn't even religous! Mom is a sex columnist for heaven's sake!"

    (Goldie Hawn gets her glamor shot: "Hey, just because I'm your mother, doesn't mean I don't get a li

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