How does a thermometer work
- what is a thermometer used for
- what is a thermometer used for in science
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4 types of thermometer!
How Thermometers Work
The bulb thermometer is the common glass thermometer you probably grew up with. The thermometer contains some type of fluid, generally mercury.
Bulb thermometers rely on the simple principle that a liquid changes its volume relative to its temperature.
What is a thermometer used for in science
Liquids take up less space when they are cold and more space when they are warm (this same principal works for gases and is the basis of the hot air balloon -- for more information, see How Hot Air Balloons Work).
You probably work with liquids every day, but may not notice that things like water, milk and cooking oil all take up more or less space as their temperatures change.
In these cases, the change in volume is fairly small. All bulb thermometers use a fairly large bulb and a narrow tube to accentuate the change in volume. You can see this for yourself by making your own bulb thermometer from scratch.
5 uses of thermometerHere is what you'll need:
- A glass jar or bottle with a water-tight lid - The lid should be the screw-on kind and made from metal or plastic. I used a 48-ounce apple juice jar. The jar needs
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