Medical abortion nsw

    till what week abortion is possible
    up to which week abortion is possible
    till which week medical abortion is possible
    till what week abortion is safe
  • Till what week abortion is possible
  • Success rate of medical abortion at 6 weeks...

    What is the time limit for having an abortion?

    An abortion may be performed up to the time when the foetus could survive outside the mother’s body. This means abortion is allowed up to 24 weeks.

    First trimester termination of pregnancy

    After that, an abortion is only allowed in the case of serious medical problems.

    Medical abortion or surgical abortion

    How you can terminate your pregnancy depends on how many weeks pregnant you are.

    Up to 9 weeks of pregnancy, you can have a medical abortion.

    This procedure involves two types of medication. First, you will get a pill to end the pregnancy. The second medication causes the uterus to contract and expel the amniotic sac.

    Long-term side effects of abortion procedures

  • Long-term side effects of abortion procedures
  • 5 months abortion causes and prevention
  • Success rate of medical abortion at 6 weeks
  • Abortion pill cost
  • 24 weeks in months
  • A single dose consists of several pills.

    If you are more than 9 weeks pregnant or if you don’t want a medical abortion, there are other methods. Suction abortion (vacuum aspiration) is possible until 13 weeks of pregnancy. The uterus is emptied by suction.

    If you are more than 13 weeks pregnant, abortion must be performed with medical instruments. The instruments are used to remove all pregnancy tissue from the uterus. You can have these procedures un

      till how many weeks abortion is possible
      abortion till what week