Of mice and men summary

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    when is the book of mice and men set
    when is the novel of mice and men set
  • When is mice and men set
  • Of mice and men genre...

    Of mice and men

  • Of mice and men
  • Of mice and men themes
  • Of mice and men genre
  • Of mice and men setting quotes
  • When was of mice and men written
  • Of Mice and Men (1937), one of Steinbeck's most acclaimed and beloved works, is a moving story of thwarted dreams, friendship, and sacrifice that chronicles four days in the lives of migrant workers, George Milton and Lennie Small.

    Set primarily on a ranch near Soledad, just south of Steinbeck's hometown, Salinas, California, Steinbeck creates a vivid picture of farm life in the area during the Great Depression, introducing readers to the loneliness of migrant workers, women, racial minorities, the old, and the infirm and the seeming impossibility of social outcasts ever achieving the dreams of rest, acceptance, and material prosperity for which they long.

    The novel takes its title from Robert Burn's poem "To a Mouse, on Turning Her up in Her Nest with the Plough" (1785) in which Burns writes, "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men/ Gang aft agley" (Burns).

    The line is often paraphrased in English as "The best-laid plans of mice and men/ Go oft awry" alluding to the novel's emphasis on how chance and uncontrollable

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