Sunrise ecuador
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Ecuador sunrise sunset...
Sunset and sunrise times
Sunrise-Sunset is a free online tool that provides information about day length, twilight, sunrise and sunset times for any location of the world.
Our purpose is to make it easy to everybody to access Sun related information through simple tools that offers accurate information.
What exactly are the sunrise and sunset?
It's important to note that both sunrise and sunset are 'instants'.
The time range during which the day becomes night or vice versa is called twilight.
Sunset tomorrow
We can distinguish between the morning twilight, that happens between dawn and sunrise and the evening twilight, that happens between sunset and dusk each day. Duration of twilight actually depends on our position on Earth and date of year.
For example at Arctic and Antarctic latitudes, on winter, night never gets completely dark.
The sunrise is the exact instant at which the upper edge of the Sun becomes visible over the eastern horizon, in the morning.
It's also called sun up.
With sunset we refer to the instant when the trailing edge of the Sun stops being visible and disappear
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