How is odysseus shrewd and cunning in books 1-6

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  • How is odysseus intelligent
  • How is odysseus a hero.

    8 Times Odysseus was the Smartest Guy in the Room

    Odysseus, king of Ithaka, was also the king of trickery and guile. He was renowned among his peers for his cunning mind and intelligence.

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  • How is odysseus clever with the cyclops
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  • In ancient literature, Odysseus was given the epithet metis, which means “wise” or “cunning.”

    When the kings of Greece were called to aid Menelaus’s army in the Trojan War, Odysseus was one of those summoned. During his time in the Greek army, Odysseus proved time and time again that he was one of the cleverest thinkers of his time, however, Odysseus’ fame for intelligence preceded the Trojan War.


    Odysseus and the Oath of Tyndareus

    One of Odysseus’ earliest ingenious ideas was the legendary Oath of Tyndareus. King Tyndareus had a beautiful daughter named Helen, who later became the major catalyst for the Trojan War.

    Since Helen had just come of age, King Tyndareus was looking for a husband for her. If we combine the ancient sources — Hesiod, Hyginus, and Apollodorus — there were at least 45 named suitors all vying for Helen’s hand. Odysseus was one of them.

    Due to Helen’s

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