Do i really need a tetanus shot every 10 years

    how often is tetanus needed
    how often is tetanus required
    how often is tetanus given
    how often is tetanus shot needed
  • How often is tetanus needed
  • Do i need a tetanus shot for a small puncture!

    Tetanus Vaccination


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    There are 3 types of combination vaccines that include protection against tetanus:

    The letter "D/d" in DTaP and Tdap shows they also help protect against diphtheria.

    Whats maximum time limit for tetanus injection

  • When to get a tetanus shot after a cut
  • Do i need a tetanus shot for a small puncture
  • How often do you need a tetanus shot for adults
  • Is tetanus curable
  • The letter "P/p" in DTaP and Tdap shows they also help protect against whooping cough (pertussis).

    Keep Reading:Types of Tetanus Vaccines

    Why getting vaccinated is important

    Tetanus is an uncommon but very serious disease that requires immediate treatment in a hospital.

    Tetanus vaccines help protect against tetanus.

    Keep Reading:About Tetanus

    Who should and shouldn't get vaccinated

    Vaccine recommendations

    CDC recommends tetanus vaccination for

    • Babies and children
    • Preteens and teens
    • Women who are pregnant (to prevent whooping cough in newborns)
    • Adults

    Keep Reading:Tetanus Vaccine Recommendations

    Allergies, reactions: Talk with a vaccine provider

    Talk to a vaccine provider about your vaccination history and a specific vaccine's ingredients.

    There may be times when someone shouldn't get DTaP, Td, or Tdap, like if they:

    • Had a lif

        how often is tetanus injection needed
        how often is tetanus vaccine needed