Dnc meaning pregnancy
- when is a dnc needed
- when is a d&c needed
- when is a d&c needed after miscarriage
- when is a curette needed
Does 6 weeks miscarriage need d&c...
What Is a Dilation and Curettage (D&C)?
A dilation and curettage, usually called a D&C, is a procedure in which the cervix is dilated and the lining of the uterus is surgically scraped.
This is sometimes done after a miscarriage to further evaluate the uterus if abnormal uterine bleeding occurs.
This article covers why and how it’s done to help you prepare for the procedure.
Signs you need a d&c
Why It’s Done
A D&C removes tissue from the uterine lining. It can be used to treat or prevent complications associated with a miscarriage or to evaluate other uterine bleeding problems when someone is not pregnant.
A few of the most common reasons it's done following a miscarriage include:
The procedure can also be used to gather a sample for testing the chromosomes of the fetus.
Couples can use this information to understand if their baby had any genetic abnormalities.
In some cases, tissue samples are taken during a D&C procedure to diagnose conditions like uterine polyps and uterine cancer.
How to Prepare
Your healthcare provider will help you prepare for
- when is a d&c necessary
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